Balanced Development Portal

Design Concept

Design Concept

  • Green Network
    Organizing urban structure to
    connect scattered public spaces

    Making the city breathe through ground
    and underground parks

    그린 네트워크 조감도 - 확장된 그린랜드, 도심속 광장, 확장된 그린랜드
  • Underground Integrated Station Facilities
    Future-oriented public transportation hub
    integrating metropolitan, regional railways and buses

    Realizing user-centered complex space through
    integrated station facilities

    지하 통합 역사시설 조감도
  • Ground Landmark and Underground Light Space
    Design element filling underground space with light
    and landmark representing Yeongdong-daero

    Overcoming limitations of underground space
    through active natural light introduction

    지상 랜드마크와 지하 빛의 대공간 조감도