While Seoul experienced rapid growth, Gangbuk transformed into a bedroom community
Regional imbalances and quality of life disparities persist despite various efforts
Need to create more jobs and improve residential environment in Gangbuk area
for sustainable urban growth and balanced development
Strategic Directions
Vibrant Job-Creating Economic City: Renaissance in Gangbuk
- Pleasant Residential Environment
- Relaxation of reconstruction regulations in housing districts
Relaxation of redevelopment regulations in low-rise residential areas
- Future-oriented Jobs
- Applying white site system to vacant lots
Expanding commercial areas 2-3 times the current size
- Emotional Living Spaces
- Expanding forests and green spaces, completing garden city
Creating cultural and sports facilities, completing waterfront emotional city
Project Details
Pleasant Residential Environment
Improving project feasibility through shortened reconstruction periods and floor area ratio innovation
Relaxing regulations on aging criteria and road-facing ratio requirements for redevelopment zone designation in old low-rise residential areas
Future-oriented Jobs
Abolishing total quantity system for commercial areas in Gangbuk to revitalize the region and create jobs
Creating new economic hubs in Gangbuk with integrated self-sufficient functions by attracting businesses to large vacant lots
Emotional Living Spaces
Reorganizing streams into vibrant waterfront cultural areas, expanding 14 waterfront emotional spaces
Creating various cultural and sports facilities (9 projects) in Gangbuk area, which previously lacked cultural facilities