Balanced Development Portal

Seoul Arena Complex Cultural Facility

Project Background

Despite Korea's leading position in global cultural trends, the country lacks a specialized music performance venue matching its status. Seoul Arena project is being promoted to create jobs and cultural-arts infrastructure in Seoul's northeastern area.

Vision and Goals

Creating music and performance industry ecosystem to strengthen Seoul's global competitiveness as a cultural city, serving as a key project for establishing job and cultural infrastructure.

Project Overview

사업개요 - 위치,전체면적,도시계획,사업기간,사업방식
Location 1-23, Chang-dong, Dobong-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea (50,149㎡)
Scale 2 underground - 6 above-ground floors (H44.7m), total floor area: 119,097㎡
Usage Arena (18,000 seats), medium-sized performance hall (2,000 seats), movie theater, pop music support facilities, commercial facilities, etc.
Project Method Private investment project (BTO) (*30-year operation)
Construction Period ’23.11. ~ ’27. 3.
Operator Seoularena Co., Ltd.

Implementation Roadmap

  • ’15.9.5.
    Project plan establishment
    (Mayor's directive)
  • ’22.3.3.
    Private investment project
    review passed
    (Government ↔ project operator)
  • ’22.4.4.
    Implementation agreement signing and
    project operator designation
    (City ↔ project operator)
  • ’23.11.23.~30.
    Implementation plan approval
    (Construction permit, groundbreaking)
    (City, Province)
  • ’27.3.
    Completion and operation(City, Province, project operator)

Development Timeline

Announced Seoul Arena complex cultural facility construction ’15. 2.
Established construction plan to build Seoul Arena complex cultural facility ’15. 9.
Notified eligibility study results (B/C 1.06, secured private investment eligibility) ’18.12.
Designated preferred negotiator (Seoularena Co., Ltd. ) ’19. 9.
Passed Ministry of Economy and Finance private investment project review (draft passed) ’22. 3.
Signed implementation agreement and designated project operator ’22. 4.
Established project implementation corporation (Seoularena Co., Ltd. ) ’22. 6.
Conducted implementation design presentation ’23. 5.
Announced implementation plan approval and issued construction permit, commenced construction (※ Groundbreaking ceremony: July 2, 2024) ’23.11.
Held groundbreaking ceremony ’24. 7.