Balanced Development Portal

Seed Cube Changdong

Development Background

Building entrepreneurship and cultural industry ecosystem foundation in Changdong area through anchor facility construction via proactive public investment, utilizing transit parking lot as leading project site for Changdong-Sanggye area

Vision and Goals

  • Creating economic vitality and improving physical environment through job creation and cultural infrastructure expansion in Changdong-Sanggye area, northeastern Seoul's metropolitan center

  • Fostering as new advanced technology and cultural industry hub alongside 'Seoul Arena' through startup support, cultural industry attraction, and living support facilities expansion

Project Overview

사업개요 - 위치,규모,용도,사업기간,시행자
Location 1-28 Changdong, Dobong-gu (10,746.3㎡)
Scale 7 underground - 49 above-ground floors, Total floor area: 143,533㎡
Usage Commercial/cultural facilities (27,739㎡), officetels (792 units), office facilities (46,209㎡), public parking (267 spaces)
Project Period ’17.09 ~ ’23.07.
Operator Changdong Urban Regeneration REITs

Implementation Timeline

Transferred transit parking lot property and established project plan ’17.04.
Designated urban development district and announced development plan (Designated SH as project operator) ’17.09.
Approved and announced implementation plan ’18.11.
Issued building permit and commenced construction (※ Held groundbreaking ceremony on September 18, 2019) ’19.05.~11.
Approved and announced implementation plan modification ’22.01.
Completed construction ’23.07.
Began rental operation and occupancy ’23.08.~